The history of music

The history of music

Knowing the origin of music is very important; Because the discovery of this point helps a lot to identify the nature of music, and that is why so far scientists and philosophers have proposed several hypotheses about it, among them Herbert Spencer, [1] Friedrich Nietzsche, [2] Sigmund von Hausger, [3] and Johann Gottfried von Herder[4] should be mentioned.

In recent times, scientists and researchers have chosen a more reliable way to research in this field by researching the conditions of wild and semi-wild primitive nations. The French studied this before others.


Zhob Kari series 2 returns with the soundtrack

First, Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his work called Music Culture[5] in 1767, and then Dolabor[6] in his research book about? The old and new music of 1780 led this discussion.[7] Tourist people? After the French, England also researched this issue, and recently, the Germans gave a deep boost to this research under the name of music science.[8]

In 1995, archaeologists and paleontologists discovered a prehistoric instrument carved from bear bones that can still be played today. The Divje Babe flute, found in the Divje Babe cave in Slovenia, is thought to be at least 50,000 years old. This flute is the oldest known musical instrument in the world.[9]


There is no evidence that Neanderthals were familiar with music; But historians consider the origin of drums and reeds to be from the Endogons. Endogons lived in hot and cold areas and reed fields. Usually, in hot areas, you grow in the middle of some trees. When the wind passed over the reeds, he heard the pleasant songs of the people towards the reeds. For the first time, human beings make music from reeds. Birds called woodpeckers made pleasant sounds when they hit the trees with their beaks. Then mankind learned that pleasant sounds can be obtained by hitting a small stick on top of a larger stick, especially trees that are empty in the middle. In the first stages, humans used the drum as an alarm in emergencies and hunting. Later, in order for others to know what kind of danger or state they are in, they invented different types of playing drums. In the dark nights, they danced, sang, and stomped their feet to spend the night awake. Thus, by playing reeds and drums at night, their experiences increased. In the end, this music became today's music in 50 to 70 thousand years. [10][11]


ancient Greece

Article? Original: Ancient Greek music

The Greeks praised Hermes (the god of commerce and merchants) for the gift of music. But Hermes was the god of commerce and merchants, and we think it is unlikely that he could have anything to do with music; But it should not be considered that he was also the courier and messenger of other gods.


Surely, when he was traveling on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, he stole the cow from his brother Apollo and skinned it? Turtle kills. Also, it tightens the horns of this cow where the turtle's hands come out of the skin. then by A piece of wood, strings from the top of the horns into the body? The turtle's skin hardens and starts to play an instrument and names this instrument "lyre".


The Chinese were familiar with music long ago. 4500 years ago, a powerful king named Haonk Ti[12] ordered to invent music and made the chirping of chickens and the murmuring of streams as a lesson for the wise men of his country.[13]



In Japan, once upon a time, the goddess of the sun got angry [14] and crawled into her shelter, no matter how much people put their minds together, they only came up with this trick to encourage her to come out by singing a continuous melody, even today. In Japan, when an eclipse occurs, people resort to singing wonderful old songs.




Sassanid female musicians playing the harp in Taqbostan, Iran, circa 379 AD


Clay statue of a Parthian lute player

The Parthian Empire (247 BC to AD 224) saw an increase in textual and symbolic depictions of musical activities and instruments. A 2nd century BC Parthian rota (drinking horn) found in the ancient capital of Nisa contains some of the clearest depictions of musicians of the time. Pictorial evidence such as terracotta plaques show female harpists, while plaques from Babylon show strings, stringed instruments (harp, lute, and lyre) and percussion instruments (daffodil and clapper). Bronze sculptures from Dura-Europos depict larger pipes and double aulos. Obviously, music was used in ceremonies and celebrations. A stone frieze from the Parthian era in Hatra shows a wedding in which musicians are also present, playing trumpets, tamburs and various flutes. Other textual and iconographical evidences indicate the continued prominence of Ghosan miners. However, as in the Achaemenid period, Greek authors remain the main source of information on Parthian music. Strabo writes that Gossan learned songs that told the stories of the gods and nobles, while Plutarch similarly records Gossan as perfecting his praise of Parthian heroes and mocking of Roman heroes. Plutarch also records, to his great surprise, that ruptera (large drums) were used by the Parthian army in preparation for war.[15]


However, the Sasanian period (226–651 AD) left abundant evidence of music. This influx of Sasanian works indicates a prominent musical culture in the empire, especially in Zoroastrian-dominated areas. Many Sassanid emperors were ardent fans of music, including the founder of the empire Ardeshir I and Bahram V. Khosrow II (reigned 590–628) was the most prominent patron, and his reign is considered the golden age of Iranian music. Among the musicians in Khosrow's service, we can mention Azadvar Chengi, Bamshad, Nakisa, Ramtin, Sarkash and Barbod, who were the most famous of them. These musicians usually functioned as minstrels, which were musicians who worked as both court poets and musicians; In the Sasanian Empire, there was not much difference between poetry and music.


One of the most important music stamps in the world; It should be mentioned what remained in "Choghamish" of Khuzestan, which was found in 1961-1966 AD. This 3400-year-old seal; It shows the appearance of Rameshgaran's goat. In this ancient bazam, a group of khanigars (musicians) can be seen, each of whom is busy playing music. The way these musicians play and sit shows that they are the first group of musicians (orchestra) in the world. In this group of Rameshgaran, we see that one musician plays "Cheng", another "Trumpet" and the other "Tanbak". Among them, the fourth Rameshgar is a singer who sings "Avaz".[16]


The first period, from the arrival of the Aryan race to the land of Iran until the extinction of the Sassanid government. Iran after the Mongol invasion and the transformation of Iran's situation and the beginning of scientific and artistic decline, the emergence of the Safavid state, the state of art and music of the Qajar kings, and a brief history of Iranian music in this period, the influence of Dar al-Funun music branch in preserving national music during the time of Naser al-Din Shah. [17]


North America

One of the tribes of North America believe that music was blessed by one of the gods named Tuscani-Poca [18] and they think that he made a bridge of turtles and whales that the sun ascends while singing and playing.



Abyssinians also have a god in the form of a dove, and according to them, this god taught them to read and write and gave them music.



In the Germanic legends of Heimdall[19], the thief of the heavens has a giant trumpet that he has buried under the tree of life, and when he blows it, the day of judgment will begin, and he will take all the singers and musicians under his protection on that day. He himself was a musician and singer and will intercede for them.[20]


In this way, all the ancient nations of history and fiction have mixed the emergence of music with stories and legends, even in the Middle Ages, they thought that music was invented by Yubal[21] son ​​of Cain[22].



On the other hand, because they considered music to be a gift from the gods, they made it a means of approaching the gods and supernatural forces. By resorting to it, on the one hand, they drove away the evil eye and evil spirits, rejected death and disease, and avoided weather revolutions and fire, and on the other hand, they prayed for the mercy of the gods, rain, and the blessing and fertility of their fields. . One of the religious missionaries named Sabira, [23] a scene of treatment by? He describes the music he observed and witnessed in Madagascar as follows:


"One day, the dance ceremony was held again. In a special way, the house was brought to the courtyard, next to a silver coin, they put it in a wooden mortar, and spread a mat on the mortar, and put the patients who had become surprisingly weak on it, then drums, native guitars and They played the flutes. All the residents of ten surrounding the patient circled while the women and girls sang a monotonous song, men and children clapped their hands continuously, at this time a woman who was chosen for this special occasion and seemed to be from a famous family got up and started dancing. In this situation, the woman who is hiding behind the patients with a spade in her hand is strongly on the screen? The sharp edged metal that was hanging from an old rope hit the side of the patient's ear with a deafening noise? A terrible thing happened. They thought that in this way they could remove the evil spirit from the patient's body and throw it into the life of one of the dancers.


In all these circumstances, as the sound of the drums increased, more hands were clapped and new larynxes joined in the singing. Both patients were still sitting quietly and motionless despite the ear-splitting sound. "Suddenly, to my surprise, I saw that both patients got up and started dancing in the circle of musicians."


The mesmerizing power of sounds remained until the emergence of Garma, and even today, people who are in the lower stages of civilization pray in the spring for the safety of their fields and cows by singing hymns. Hanging bells around the necks of grazing cows is also for this reason.

In the recent century, when Catholics worship in the church and the sweet sound of the organ resonates, they are attracted and passionate.

What happened above was a history of the beliefs and legends of old nations or tribes that live in the lower stages of civilization, but it should be noted that we, the people who live in the era of the sovereignty of natural sciences, have not seen the old legends in any way? We do not look down, but we try to see the beauty and wisdom hidden in these stories in the best way.

Music, time

When people were out of their normal state and got emotional, they would raise their voices and give the sounds desired length and duration. There should not be much doubt about the validity of this hypothesis.[24]


Karl Shtumif[25], a former professor of philosophy at the University of Berlin, knows the history of the beginning of music from the moment when people had to resort to sounds for understanding, and in his opinion, it is from these sounds that the science of music in its modern sense was born. A study of the music of different tribes may lead us to discover the racial affinities that exist between these tribes.


Actors speaking on stage in our days also remains a kind of song.

Changing the preacher's tone and adopting a new tone is the same as singing.

The ancient nations also certainly did so when they prayed to the gods.

While they were praying hard, under the influence of excitement and passion, it made them express something that words could not express.

The use of music is not allowed for every person and profession? Music became the specialty of temple priests, magicians and doctors. They were unique in singing many songs and playing some instruments. Of course, it is obvious that others did not have the right to access these instruments, and even if a woman laid eyes on these instruments, she would be considered liable to death.

Music, like many other things, in the hands of some, became a means of achieving superiority and gaining points.

By monopolizing music, the priests tried to bring out a secret among the heads and create an exceptional position and status for themselves. In this way, music, which was once a gift of the gods, was dragged into the battle for gaining power and class privileges.

Music or language

In the beginning, music was the same as speaking, in which every sound found a certain tension - the unstable pitch of the sounds later gradually settled down. Scientific research has proven the truth of this theory. Later, another question arose that why do birds sing? In order to charm the singing of chickens, it cannot be interpreted as something other than a play performed for the sake of reproduction - humans did not sing songs only to pray to the gods, but also the love and interest they had for each other and the opposite sex made them do this. encouraged; And as for attracting the love and affection of the opposite sex, singing songs is not only limited to the people of the early ages. The national songs [26] of the Middle Ages, like the current national and local songs and anthems, are all love songs. [27][28]


The people who made these songs tried to bring the lover with them with the help of the words that are rarely used to cover the veil. According to Charles Darwin, affection and mating have made people reach out to music and seek help from this magical tool to fulfill their needs.[29]


The origin of musical instruments

The most natural means of singing is the natural human chest and throat, and the simplest means of creating weight is the human hands. Man kept the weight by clapping his hands and accompanied the songs. Later on, humans used the horns of animals and other things available to them. He invented wind instruments such as horns and reeds, and with the help of the sense of hearing, he inserted holes in them according to astronomical beliefs and sacred numbers, which have now evolved in various forms.[30]


He also invented various drums and percussion instruments and tried to improve them.


In archaeological excavations, wind and string instruments such as the Veni harp have been found, which date back to several thousand years BC. in the yard? There are also patterns of tambourines and harps related to the civilization of Elam in ancient Kolfareh. By inventing musical instruments and instruments, mankind has imitated the melodies and tunes that created a pleasant and pleasant state in his mind and has continuously taken steps towards its evolution.


In 2012, flutes made of bird bone and elephant ivory were discovered in a cave in southern Germany. Using carbon dating, scientists have shown that these flutes are between 42,000 and 43,000 years old. These instruments are considered the oldest discovered musical instruments in the world.[31]

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